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Global Topics for Global Learners


Interested in the issues that impact our life and planet locally and globally? Join Global Topics for Global Learners, a weekly session covering topics ranging from science to art. Our […]

International Education Week


International Education Week is a global initiative that celebrates the benefits of international education and exchange. During this week, from 11/18 to 11/22, Global Learner Support (GLS), in collaboration with Student Volunteers, OGS, and Student Services Ambassadors, will host a series of events that promote cross-cultural interactions and highlight the value of international education. It’s […]

International Education Panel Discussion

Welcome Center

Join Global Learner Support (GLS) for a conversation as we hear from Silicon Valley faculty and staff as they discuss international education and share their experiences. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear from our community members and celebrate international education. Panelists include: Seble Ayalew, Associate Director of Operations Nadim Saad, Assistant Teaching Professor, Khoury […]