
Please find the RSVP link on the event details page!

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All Day

Global Topics for Global Learners


Interested in the issues that impact our life and planet locally and globally? Join Global Topics for Global Learners, a weekly session covering topics ranging from science to art. Our conversations aim to help you stay informed about what is going around the world as well in our local communities while connecting with NU learners […]

Snack Time


Grab your study fuel! Snack Cart will come around campus on the following dates and times. Good luck on your final exams! Tue, December 3, 3-4pm Wed, December 4, 1-2pm

Intro to WebAR

Room 906

🚀 Join Our Hands-On WebAR Workshop: Build Your First WebAR Experience Join us for an evening of learning, innovation, and, of course, delicious pizza! Whether you're a seasoned developer or […]

Christmas in the Park Walking Tour

Plaza de Cesar Chavez Park

**Time of the event has changed to 3-5pm instead of 2-4pm.** Experience the joy of the holiday season as we wander through sparkling light displays, festive decor, and captivating holiday […]