
Please find the RSVP link on the event details page!

Looking for Career Development and Experiential Learning events? Head over to their Events Calendar.

Academic Communication and Collaboration

Room 1010

This five-week noncredit course aims to enhance communication and presentation skills. Each class will cover an aspect of academic communication, such as preparing an engaging presentation, facilitating topic-based discussions, and […]

Visit to the Japanese American Museum of San Jose

Japanese American Museum of San Jose

Join GLS for a visit to the Japanese American Museum and Japantown, where we’ll explore over 100 years of Japanese American history. During a guided tour of the museum, we […]

Global Topics for Global Learners


Interested in the issues that impact our life and planet locally and globally? Join Global Topics for Global Learners, a weekly session covering topics ranging from science to art. Our […]

Writing Professional Emails


Join us for the Writing Professional Emails workshop, designed to deepen your understanding of the role email plays in professional contexts. As we explore tools for written communication, we will focus on email communication, and practice writing emails. Register Here!

International Education Week World Trivia

Welcome Center

Compete for prizes, have some fun, and show off your smarts! Bring your friends and your brain power for an unforgettable trip of world trivia! Register Here!

Explore Cultures Around the World

Welcome Center

Join GLS as we hear from our students and learn about their cultures, places to visit, common phrases, and more! Whether you're a travel enthusiast or simply curious, this is a fantastic opportunity to discover more about different countries and our diverse community! Register Here!

Global Topics for Global Learners


Interested in the issues that impact our life and planet locally and globally? Join Global Topics for Global Learners, a weekly session covering topics ranging from science to art. Our conversations aim to help you stay informed about what is going around the world as well in our local communities while connecting with NU learners […]

Christmas in the Park Walking Tour

Plaza de Cesar Chavez Park

**Time of the event has changed to 3-5pm instead of 2-4pm.** Experience the joy of the holiday season as we wander through sparkling light displays, festive decor, and captivating holiday […]

Global Topics for Global Learners


Join this weekly session to stay informed about what is going around the world and in our local communities while connecting with NU learners across the network. Register Here!

Starting Your New Journey in San José

Room 1045

Moving to a new place is exciting, but it also comes with several challenges such as finding a community, making friends, adjusting to the local culture, or adapting to a new learning environment. Join GLS as we explore the stages of cultural adjustment and discuss on- and off-campus resources, activities, and opportunities in San José. […]

Canceled San José Walking Tour

Meet on campus

Join GLS for a walking tour that uncovers the beautiful art and local gems of San José! This guided tour will offer insights into the diverse and unique communities of […]

Engaging with GLS: Opportunities for Global Learners


Join the Global Learner Support team for a special virtual event where we’ll introduce who we are, where we work, and share virtual opportunities for all members of the Northeastern […]

Writing Professional Emails


Join us for the Writing Professional Emails workshop, designed to deepen your understanding of the role email plays in professional contexts. As we explore tools for written communication, we will […]

Academic Integrity & APA Citations


What is academic integrity, and how do you appropriately cite sources? In this GLS Workshop, we will walk through the definition of academic integrity, how to make APA in-text citations, […]

Networking Across Cultures


This GLS workshop will highlight the different types of networking (e.g., social, academic, and professional) and some reasons networking might present challenges due to cultural barriers, lack of exposure to […]