
Please find the RSVP link on the event details page!

Looking for Career Development and Experiential Learning events? Head over to their Events Calendar.

Meditation Session

Room 906

Meditate with our Wellness Program Specialist, Sam Aldana! Register here

Picnic at the San José Municipal Rose Garden

San José Municipal Rose Garden

Join Global Learner Support (GLS) and Wellness for lunch in the San José Municipal Rose Garden. This garden was established in 1937 and includes over 3,500 plantings with 189 varieties […]

Health Insurance 101


Join this virtual workshop to learn about how to access medical care in the U.S. and how to navigate your Northeastern University Student Health Plan (NUSHP). Register Here!

Dating in the Digital Age


Domestic Violence Awareness Month by Office of Prevention and Education at Northeastern Join EndTab in learning about how to detect red flags in digital relationships and tips on how to […]

Bi-Weekly Meditation Sessions

Room 906

Develop your mindfulness practice alongside your classmates in these meditation sessions. No prior meditation experience needed. No registration required.

Mindfulness and Movement

Room 906

Take a break and find your balance! Join our rejuvenating wellness session for relaxation, fun, and mindfulness. Register Here

NUSHP Health Insurance 101


This workshop will provide an overview of the U.S. healthcare system and teach you how to access and use your Northeastern University Student Health Plan (NUSHP) health insurance. Register Here!

Food for Thought

Welcome Center

Join us for this shared meal and conversation focused on self-compassion, self-love, and personal boundaries. Register Here!